In accordance with the requirements of Local Government Administration Regulation No.12, it is hereby notified for public information that it is presently the policy of the Leonora Shire Council to meet regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 9.30am.
Council meetings, unless otherwise specified are held in the Council Chambers, Tower Street, Leonora and are open to the public with a 'Public Question Time' conducted each meeting.
Follow this link for further information on 'Public Question Time'
Prior public notice will be given of time, date and place of any Special Meetings of Council.
Meeting Documents
To view the meeting documents please select one of the links below, or select "view Previous Meetings" to view the documents prior to the earliest date below.
Council Meetings are open to the Public. Physical copies of the Agendas may be obtained at the Administration Office and are available on the Friday prior to the meeting date.
View Previous Meetings here.